Travelers and workers expect a comfortable and healthy hotel environment to work, relax
and sleep in. Ensuring good indoor air quality (IAQ) while maintaining building comfort is an essential part of providing a healthy hotel environment.The concentrations of some pollutants in indoor air are often 2 to 5 times higher than typical outdoor concentrations. Exposure to indoor air pollution can cause symptoms like headaches, poor concentration, and irritation to the eyes, nose, or throat. Poor IAQ is a particular concern for those affected by asthma and allergies, for whom certain pollutants can trigger a range of symptoms, from sneezing and watery eyes to more serious symptoms such as swelling in the throat and trouble breathing.
Poor IAQ can impact sleep quality and reduce cognitive function. A recent study showed reduced decision-making performance in workers exposed to high levels of carbon dioxide and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Many guests stay and work in hotels during business trips, where a healthy indoor air environment is important to their work productivity.