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Whole Home Air Cleaners

Air cleaning devices designed to be installed in the ductwork of houses with central forced air can affect air throughout the home, therefore they are sometimes referred to as “whole-house” air cleaners.
With central forced air systems comes the potential to transport air particulates, e.g. allergens, from one space to another. As a consequence, effective filtration for the air being moved throughout the system is of fundamental importance to the maintenance of a healthy indoor environment. This filtration can be provided by using electrostatic attraction to remove particles from the air. The collecting plates of electrostatic air cleaners are not disposable and do not require frequent replacement. However regular cleaning of the plates is required because they can lose efficiency over time as they load with dust.
In order for an in-duct electrostatic air cleaner to earn Certification, strict standards for appropriate levels must be met when:
  • Reducing allergens from the air
  • Monitoring allergen levels after use to ensure reduction of allergens is a result of removal, not just redistribution
  • The manufacturer’s recommended cleaning procedure must restore the device’s performance efficiency.
  • Monitoring ozone levels to ensure they remain within the Code of Federal Regulations Guidelines.
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