Nicole Maiatico Physician Liaison for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Nicole Maiatico Physician Liaison for Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

The Asthma & Allergy Friendly® Certification Program had a fantastic experience exhibiting for three days in October at the American Academy of Pediatrics Annual Meeting in New Orleans. It was a wonderful opportunity for the Certification Program to talk to the thousands of pediatricians in attendance about the importance of healthy indoor living environments and products that help to create a healthier home. The pediatricians who visited the booth received free copies of the special Certification edition of freshAAIR™ and the educational Allergy Control in the bedroom wall poster along with other AAFA educational asthma and allergy teaching materials and handouts.

“It was fantastic to watch the pediatrician’s faces light up when I told them that over 200 products and services have been Asthma & Allergy Friendly® Certified,” said Michele Cassalia, Director of Marketing for the Certification Program. “I received positive feedback from the pediatricians who couldn’t wait to go back and share the Certification program with their patients.”

The Certification team will continue to reach out to the allergists across the US but it will also focus on educating and spreading the word to over 90,000 pediatricians who are on the front line and usually the first to diagnose an infant or young child with asthma and allergies. Reducing asthma and allergy triggers in the home is an important part of managing these conditions and keeping children healthy. Due to the success of the conference the Certification Program hopes to exhibit again in 2020.