The Most Common Allergens In Your Home—And How To Control Them
As springtime settles in, pollen counts soar, and your eyes continue to itch like mad, you might feel tempted to hide inside to shield yourself from seasonal allergens. In some cases, though, hiding is not the answer. […]

6 Best Humidifiers of 2022, According to Home Experts
If you have asthma, then look no further than this Dyson humidifier that has been certified asthma- and allergy-friendly by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA).
With its ultraviolet light technology, the Dyson AM10 humidifier claims to kill 99.9% bacteria before it disperses cool mist into […]

How to Reduce Pet Dander in Your Home
You love your pet, but you don’t love it when your pet triggers your allergies. If cat fluff and dog dander give you a scratchy throat and watery eyes, you don’t have to live an animal-free life. You can still have a pet, but knowing how to […]